The summer solstice came and went quickly, reminding me to seize the days, because with each one they will shorten just a little bit until we are back to fall and winter.
So, I’m creating more cyanotypes. I love how the summer heat of the sun creates moisture under the glass, giving more texture to each piece the longer I expose them.
As I wander about town, I‘m foraging so many unusual plants, and I love learning about each one. I find myself wondering what a certain plant would look like as a cyanotype. Some are left untouched, others are clipped to come home with me. As I make cyanotypes, there’s a sense of experimentation. A few are left in my collage pile since they didn’t turn out the way I’d planned. But others leave me in awe and surprise, as the plants leave their mark, an eco print, often surrounded by flecks of gold amidst the deep hues of blue.
And so, I’m definitely considered a summer girl, even though I still get the occasional hot flash. 😂 I prefer wearing tank tops, shorts, and flip-flops over turtlenecks, jeans, and boots. I also love the sun and how nature is in full roar, especially when the sunflowers are blooming. I never thought I’d be a mountain gal, because the beach is always calling me, but here I am in awe of all the peaks surrounding us. The beautiful and majestic mountains God made, remind me that I’m just a small part of this world. But He also reminds me I can have a big impact on those around me. He gave me the gift of being creative, and I should use that gift to draw others to Him and the nature all around us. So I create as often as I can. I love to create the beauty I see in the world and share that with you.
While I have my favorite botanicals, I’m wondering, is there a plant or flower I haven’t used to create a cyanotype that you would like to see? If so, please let me know. I’ll add it to my list.
1 comment
Wildflowers! Take some higher elevation hikes!!!!!